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a beautiful mind造句

"a beautiful mind"是什么意思  
  • Nash : perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind , but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart
  • A beautiful mind depends on how it is used ? and this is as much a matter of skill as innate3 ) ability
    因此,你需要做的就是时常反躬自问: “我是从这个角度看待问题,但是不是还存在别的角度呢? ”
  • Russell crowe hopes it all adds up again as he goes for a second shot at oscar gold in " a beautiful mind .
  • Winner of 4 academy awards ? including best picture , a beautiful mind is directed by academy award ? winner ron howard and produced by his long - time partn . .
  • What eileen chang said about a beautiful mind and a beautiful body in 1944 reinforces my belief that many popular authors do not think well
  • The oscar - winning team of ron howard and brian grazer 2001 , a beautiful mind , best director , best picture present a riveting , spine - tingling thrille . .
  • Winner of 4 academy awards ? including best picture , a beautiful mind is directed by academy award ? winner ron howard and produced by his long - time partner , academy award ? winner brian grazer
  • A beautiful mind stars russel crowe in an astonishing performance as brilliant mathematician john nash , on the brink of international acclaim when he becomes entangled in a mysterious conspiracy
  • Early in the film " a beautiful mind , " the mathematician john nash is seen sitting in a princeton courtyard , hunched over a playing board covered with small black and white pieces that look like pe les
  • Early in the film " a beautiful mind , " the mathematician john nash is seen sitting in a princeton courtyard , hunched over a playing board covered with small black and white pieces that look like pebbles
  • It's difficult to see a beautiful mind in a sentence. 用a beautiful mind造句挺难的
  • Early in the film " a beautiful mind , " the mathematician john nash is seen sitting in a princeton courtyard , hunched over a playing board covered with small black and white pieces that look like pebbles
  • Early in the film " a beautiful mind , " the mathematician john nash is seen sitting in a princeton courtyard , hunched over a playing board covered with small black and white pieces that look like pebbles
  • Scientist bruce banner eric bana - black hawk down has anger management issues . his quiet life as a brilliant research scientist work with ex - girlfriend betty ross academy award - winner jennifer connelly - a beautiful mind conceals a painful past
  • Scientist bruce banner eric bana - black hawk down has anger management issues . his quiet life as a brilliant research scientist work with ex - girlfriend betty ross academy award - winner jennifer connelly - a beautiful mind conceals a painful past
  • Director ron howard was elated with his golden globe victory for a beautiful mind . " this sort of award acknowledgement helps , " he says . " we can remind people that we ' re there and urge people to go see our film .
    凭借美丽心灵一片获得本届金球奖的导演劳恩霍华德在颁奖典礼上说: "这种颁奖典礼对我们很有帮助,它让我们有机会提醒观众,鼓励他们去看我们的电影。
  • The work of this year ' s winners is closely related to that of several earlier laureates , including william vickrey and james mirrlees , john harsanyi and john nash , the game theorist whose life story was made into an oscar - winning film , “ a beautiful mind
    今年获奖者的工作与数位前获奖者有密切联系,如威廉?魏克里与詹姆斯?莫里斯,约翰?海撒尼与约翰?纳什(其人生经历被改变成奥斯卡最佳影片《美丽心灵》 ) 。
如何用a beautiful mind造句,用a beautiful mind造句a beautiful mind in a sentence, 用a beautiful mind造句和a beautiful mind的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。